OperaUpClose's Summer Garden Party

Summer's here! Following the sell-out success of our Gala Dinner in March, and as promised, this July we are hosting our first summer garden party. Please join us at Postman's Park (see image) in the City of London for an afternoon of friends, food, wine and of course song!

We will be serving guests with delicious canapés and great wines in the garden, around our beautiful grand piano, which we'll be putting to good use with performances of our new Shakespeare inspired production Music Oft Hath Such a Charm featuring soprano Elinor-Jane Moran. Expect some Britten, Bellini, Verdi, Schubert, Finzi and ven Cole Porte.

The party is a fundraiser, to raise vital funds for our next production, Mozart's The Magic Flute, which will open in London soon. The production's director, Valentina Ceschi,will be with us to tell guests more about it all.

When's the big the day, you ask? It's Saturday 16 July, rom 2pm to 5pm, at Postman's Park. The dress code for the party is Summer Smart (we'd love to see some summer hats!). We are asking for a suggested donation of £45 to reserve your place, which will cover the costs of the party and raise money for The Magic Flute.

You may bring as many guests as you'd like, but numbers are limited, so do please book as soon as you can. To book your tickets, please email Olivia@OperaUpClose.com or give us a ring during office hours (10am-6pm) on 0207 600 6439.


PerformerUpClose: James Harrison


OperaUpClose Gala Dinner at Frederick's Restaurant